

If you work on the road – if your job allows or requires you to be continually mobile – you might think that you have no choice. But then, maybe you haven’t heard of Woodland Creek RV Park in Tyler, Texas. If anyone needs respite, it’s traveling professionals. You may feel as though you must carry your life in your car. Constant mobility becomes a way of life. You may live in uninteresting hotels and motels and eat at mediocre restaurants. Even if you can sneak some food into your room, it’s not good food, and your clothes take a beating from constant packing and cleaning.  Your computer searches daily for a decent Wi-Fi signal. You rely on hotel laundries. You try to make it to the gym when it’s not crowded. 

It’s a rough way to live.  

Here’s the good news: you’re not stuck. You have options. Have you considered taking your home with you?  The advantages are huge. Hang onto your steering wheel, because you’re about to learn about the benefits of RV living while working on the road. 

Why RV Living is Ideal for Traveling Professionals

  • You save money on living expenses. Mandatory hotel living and restaurant meals are a thing of the past. No home mortgage, no (or lower) utility bills, and nightly campground fees are a fraction of hotel charges. You’re cost-effective.
  • You can reduce your dependence on “stuff.” Everything from Christmas ornaments to childhood souvenirs goes into storage or completely disappears. Living with just the essentials can be liberating. You’re minimal.
  • You can quickly move to a new job and location. You’re free.
  • Pets! How could we forget pets? Many (if not most) RV parks allow cats and dogs, so your best friend can stay with you. You’re not alone.
  • You are closer to nature and recreational opportunities. Many RV parks are located at the edge of metropolitan areas or in smaller towns. They are often near major highways, easily accessible to those who literally live on the road.

A traveling professional may be someone who prefers to travel. Alternatively, it could be a professional who travels and finds employment as a benefit. In either case, bring your home. Day-to-day living is so much easier. You have all your clothing, you know your kitchen and what you’ve stored, and you know how to run your air conditioning and heat. You no longer have to figure out that hotel thermostat, shower in a room used yesterday by an unknown person, or sleep in a bed that isn’t yours.

Some Occupations That Have Discovered the Advantages of an RV Park for Traveling Professionals 

  • Office work. When we hear “remote work,” we often think about people working from a recreational vehicle but doing the same work they’d be doing in an office. Even though some companies are trying to force employees back to the office, many others have accepted that allowing people to work remotely reduces costs without reducing productivity.  
  • Nursing. Travel nurses take temporary jobs in areas with a high need for nurses. Some nurses will live in Airbnbs or short-term rentals, but more are learning that living in an RV gives them a stable living environment that can move from place to place. Here’s more information:  https://www.stkate.edu/academics/women-in-leadership-degrees/what-is-a-travel-nurse 
  • Seasonal work. When your home is on wheels, you can travel to work. Farmers need help during planting and harvest. Businesses in areas that rely on tourism employ people during the high season, and companies like Amazon need workers when people buy the most merchandise. More information here:  https://rvlife.com/seasonal-jobs-for-full-time-rvers/ 
  • Gig work. What’s that? As our economy evolves, people (from young to retired) are taking jobs that allow them to earn a living while doing what they want.  The “gig economy” can be defined as temporary and part-time positions filled by independent contractors and freelancers rather than full-time permanent employees. Employers save money by not investing in full-time employees who expect careers, retirement, and medical insurance. Here are some ideas:  https://mobilerving.com/blog/using-the-gig-economy-to-earn-while-you-travel 
  • Work camping. If you live in an RV park, you can see it doesn’t run itself. People work in the office, taking reservations, checking people in, and often running the store. Someone must clean the restrooms and showers, manage recreation programs and facilities, and maintain the campsites.

Explore Woodland Creek RV Park: The Perfect Base for Remote Workers in Tyler, TX

Have you ever considered living in a Recreational Vehicle (RV) park? It’s not the old-fashioned trailer park or a lower-quality campground, but a modern, clean park with excellent internet access and amenities. Woodland Creek RV Park, just outside Tyler, Texas, is a haven for traveling professionals.  Here’s a list of amenities provided to make your remote work and play life satisfying:

    • Our interior roads are paved and level, and our sites are well-spaced and easy to access. There is plenty of room for big rigs to turn and access your site.  
    • Pads are 15 feet wide and made of concrete, with concrete patios. No mud! Each site accommodates two cars and one RV. Each pad has a fire pit with a swivel/removable cooking grate.
    • All sites have reliable utilities, including ample 50-amp electricity, clean water at high pressure (bring a pressure regulator), a clean sewer hookup that doesn’t stink, and FREE high-speed wireless internet access and cable connections. For those needing an upgrade, we offer dedicated internet lines.
    • Accommodations for dogs – Woodland Creek has a large dog park that is divided between large and small dogs.  
    • Private restrooms with walk-in showers. 
    • A new, clean laundry building.
    • Nature trails and room to relax.
    • Opportunities for long-term stays – no requirements to move after a specified number of days.  
    • Friendly, knowledgeable staff prepared to assist, answer your questions, and quickly solve problems.
    • Fostering networking opportunities, allowing remote workers to connect with a diverse range of people. These contacts can pave the way to new professional opportunities, collaborations, and enriching personal experiences.

Bottom line: you work hard. You deserve your respite as well. That’s why we created the best RV Park for Traveling Professionals. Call Woodland Creek RV Park today to book your stay. You may be traveling, but you’ll be right at home.