For most new owners of RVs, whether the vehicle is new or used, the first must-have is a set of manuals that tell you how things work. If you still need the manuals, go online and download them.
Now here’s the harder part: read them. Learn who made your equipment, the name of the websites, and critical phone numbers for customer service. Ask for a complete list of supplies and equipment that the park provides. Learn about the RV gear you’ll need. Refrain from relying on some Facebook forum for your information.
When traveling to Woodland Creek RV Park in Tyler, Texas, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance if you need it.
Our friendly, skilled staff is here to help you settle in.
Naturally, there are some things in your gear for the road that only you can prepare.
Outside RV Gear
Let’s concentrate on the true must-haves you need to set up an RV for the first time.
Drinking water hoses. These are usually white and should be used only to connect your RV to the RV park’s freshwater system. Never, ever use it to flush your black and gray tanks.
Water pressure regulator, because some RV parks have high pressure that can blow apart your pipe connections and cause leaks.
Surge protector, because faulty electrical systems can fry your system.
Fire extinguisher. Store this outside, near any equipment that can catch fire.
Electrical adapters (sometimes called dogbones) convert from amps to volts. As you travel, you’ll meet many different types of electricity and learn more about what you can and can’t do than you ever expected.
Emergency road kit, including a tire pressure gauge.
Leveling blocks. Very few RV sites are entirely level, and your jacks may need to be longer to make your RV’s floor flat. Learning how to use blocks safely is essential.
Tire chocks to keep your RV from leaving your campsite without you.
TV coax cable. TV is a must-have for many RV users, so you’ll need a cable to connect to the RV park system.
Sewer System RV Gear
This includes everything you need to keep your black and gray water tanks working and healthy.
“Stinky slinky.” The six-inch corrugated hose and the required connectors to safely hook the hose to the RV park’s sewer system. Most RV parks require elbow connectors.
Hose to flush your black and gray tanks. NOT your drinking water hose.
An extension section for the sewer hose for those RV parks where the sewer connection is in an inconvenient spot.
Support for your hose. You can buy or build these, but the first time you must lift the whole length of the sewer hose to get the waste to the sewer connection, you’ll understand why you need support.
Black tank treatment. There are many types. Most parks prohibit the old formaldehyde formula, so if you got some with your RV, safely dispose of it. Do not use pods; the plastic never dissolves and can gunk up valves.
Disposable gloves. Heads up! When you’re dumping, learning why gloves are your new best friend only takes one mishap.
Inside Gear
You could spend thousands on all the gadgets that tempt you, forgetting that many things you already have will work just fine.
Personal documents stored in a safe place, in a waterproof and fireproof container.
The checklists that you’ll create and continually update for arriving and departing from your campsite.
You’ll need a GPS designed for RVs or big trucks if traveling anywhere other than interstate highways. It’s a sad day when you misjudge that 13’6″ overpass with your 13’8″ rig.
Flashlight. At least one, but it’s better to have two flashlights. Headlamps are great since they leave your hands free.
Walkie-talkie set so you can back into your campsite without screaming at each other. Cell phones work for this – as long as you have cell service.
RV-friendly toilet paper. This subject has caused more arguments than almost any other. Although you can invest in TP that’s specially made for RVs, you can also use any one-ply paper like Scott. Beware: fluffy TP is the enemy of your black tank valves and gauges, and you should avoid black tank problems at all costs.
Sewing kit. You need not be a pro, but you’ll pull your kit out more often than expected.
Kitchen Gear
Matches or more than one lighter.
Can opener.
Reusable storage bags.
Reusable storage containers (Rubbermaid or Tupperware, for example).
Dish soap (Dawn can wash dogs as well as dishes).
Dish towels.
Cleaning supplies and cloths.
Paper plates and towels.
Trash bags. Recycled grocery bags work well in small RV wastebaskets.
Cutting board – so you don’t ruin your counters.
Knives – small and large knives.
Utensils for cooking.
Another fire extinguisher, maybe two. RVs burn like a campfire. Make sure you can get out, and let someone else worry about putting out the fire.
Personal Gear
Your medications and prescriptions. If you travel frequently, create a duplicate set to keep in the RV.
Computer, iPad, phone, and other equipment to hook up to the park system’s Wifi.
Weather radio.
An evacuation plan in case of inclement weather and warnings, such as floods or storms.
Favorite snacks for the road.
First aid kit.
Hiking kit.
What other personal gear can you think of?
Once You’ve Got Your RV Gear, Give Us a Call
Remember, even the finest five-star RV sites can only meet your needs with your preparation. Your best bet in the Tyler, Texas, area is to schedule well in advance and ask all the necessary questions. Do your homework! What will they provide? What will you provide?
Then, once you’ve gathered your gear, the only thing left to do is call us at Woodland Creek RV Park and confirm your reservation. We’ll be waiting for you!